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The Meaning Of Life

Hey everyone, it's been a long time since i have last posted but this is one of the posts that i had to share with you.    Do you ever just sit back and think that if life had been different? If you had been someone else and would have led a more prosperous and tension-free life? I have been there too and while thinking about that, i questioned myself, what is the benifit?    We all take birth, we all die and nobody gains anything out of it. If according to the people, "God" created us then can please anyone explain it to me, Why?       If he created us then he must have a purpose and i don't seem to be completing any task that he has given us. Why did he create us? What does he get out of it?     In Hindu religion it is stated that after 80 crore births as animals, plants or insects, you finally take the form of a human but for what? To study my whole life and then give up trying?     To alw...

The Big Crunch

Hello guys and good evening. Sorry I had not been able to post early today guys as today was result day. Anyways, let's het started to our today's topic that is : - The Big Crunch

   The Big Crunch is one of the possible scenarios for the end of our universe. AS yesterday I had posted "The Big Rip", this theory starts from the exact same point only the powers get changed. 

     The Big Crunch is likely the possible theory of how the universe might die. The theory states that eveything will collapse into one another and nothing will be left. A question arises that to crush everything in one place the gravitaional force needs to be so strong that it must exceed the speed of the universe's expansion. You all would have heard of The Big-Bang but have you ever thought that what would happen if the universe stopped expanding? Well, this theory answers your question.

   When the universe stops expanding the gravitation focre would take the lead and therefore, veything would collapse into one another. An another question arises that if everything would collapse into each other wouldn't black holes would start forming? This is the loophole in the theory that I believed I found but than logic answered my question that black holes would devour each other and the last remaining black hole would die through the process of Hawking Radiation. Another possible scenario is that big-bang will repeat itself. Imagine if the universe before 13 billion years ago had the same fate, big-bang would have happened creating our universe. Therefore, there might have been many universes.


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