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The Meaning Of Life

Hey everyone, it's been a long time since i have last posted but this is one of the posts that i had to share with you.    Do you ever just sit back and think that if life had been different? If you had been someone else and would have led a more prosperous and tension-free life? I have been there too and while thinking about that, i questioned myself, what is the benifit?    We all take birth, we all die and nobody gains anything out of it. If according to the people, "God" created us then can please anyone explain it to me, Why?       If he created us then he must have a purpose and i don't seem to be completing any task that he has given us. Why did he create us? What does he get out of it?     In Hindu religion it is stated that after 80 crore births as animals, plants or insects, you finally take the form of a human but for what? To study my whole life and then give up trying?     To alw...

Gamma rays: What are these rays?

Image result for gamma rays
The above image must be confusing for some people but let's make it clear this is not a clip of a science-fiction movie but it is the reading of the destructive rays the, "Gamma Rays"

Hello, I visarg acharya welcome all space, time,physics and a bit of chemistry lovers to my blog.

In the year, 1907 Ernest Rutherford and his partner Crooks did an experiment of producing and discovering Electrons. It was an experiment of Electric Discharge Tube.

Sir Ernest Rutherford and Crooks discovered two rays they were of positive charge and negative charge, they were alpha and bita rays. Alpha rays was made up of a beam of Protons while bita rays was a beam of Electrons.

After this discovery, French scientist Willard discovered the third and most powerful ray the Gamma Rays. The Gamma Rays had the highest penetration power. Do you know, that X-ray,Gamma rays and light rays are sll made up of Photons but still,the gamma rays is the most powerful because it depends upon frequency and wavelenght. Gamma rays has the least wave length therefore, it can penetrate the most.

The Alpha, Bita and gamma rays were created when the 92nd element Uranium was bombarded with slow speed neutrons. This created 4 things :-

  1.  Gamma rays
  2. Alpha rays
  3. Bita rays 
  4. 3 more neutrons

Special note : - This experiment can be done in labs but be extra precautious as the radiations will cause different types of skin diseases


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