Earth as seen from Space. |
Our planet is one of a kind. It has water, a suitable amount of oxygen and a well developed atmosphere. We thank for all these things to the god but do you know what really created Earth?
Hello, Visarg Acharya here, to talk about the formation of this beautiful planet. What made these things, and who to thank for.
Our Earth was made from the detached remains of the Sun, this is one theory. But scientist after seeing some Exo-planets have made another theory.
Exo-planet called Hot Jupiters.
There are several planets seen revolving stars similiar to our sun and these jupiter-looking planets were found revolving them which were dangerously close to their respected stars.
Our jupiter had the same story. It is a fact that, if there was no jupiter, there wouldn't have been Earth. At the time of Big-bang, there was our sun, gases and jupiter which was very small at that time. Jupiter started trapping those gases and made itself huge giant. But its core was not hot enough for nuclear fussion to happen, otherwise we would have 2 suns. Anyways, the sun's gravity started trapping jupiter. It went so close to the sun that it was even nearer to the sun than mercury! Just like Jupiter, Uranus also started digesting gases and therefore, made itself a gas giant. It also came close to the sun but the combined gravity of Jupiter & Uranus was not withstandable. Therefore, the planet's escaped the sun's gravity and formed their own orbits around the sun.
After Jupiter started taking its shape, it started taking parts of the sun! These parts later cooled down and then formed the remaining planets.
You might be wondering that where did the minerals came from?
At the time of heavy bombardement, the asteroid which hit the Earth also formed the moon but the minerals that were with them were gone underground. Mineral's like gold,iron,silver etc. were in huge amounts. That is the reason why minerals are found from underneath the Earth's surface. |
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