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The Meaning Of Life

Hey everyone, it's been a long time since i have last posted but this is one of the posts that i had to share with you.    Do you ever just sit back and think that if life had been different? If you had been someone else and would have led a more prosperous and tension-free life? I have been there too and while thinking about that, i questioned myself, what is the benifit?    We all take birth, we all die and nobody gains anything out of it. If according to the people, "God" created us then can please anyone explain it to me, Why?       If he created us then he must have a purpose and i don't seem to be completing any task that he has given us. Why did he create us? What does he get out of it?     In Hindu religion it is stated that after 80 crore births as animals, plants or insects, you finally take the form of a human but for what? To study my whole life and then give up trying?     To alw...

Weather Fluctuations :- The reason behind them

 Hello and welcome to my blog and today's post is very special because this is my 50th post in my blog. Therefore, today's post should be devastating so I have selected this topic.

Today we are going to have a little bit of biology also, I hope you don't mind. So, let's get started.

Weather fluctuations means the irregular rise and fall of weather like a heart-beat. As it becomes more irregular, the effects are devastating but as it gets regular, we are normal.

Let's take an example of South Africa. Once there was a time when the desert were covered with a sheet of snow! But in the period of 10,000 years it turned into a cracked surface of soil and dry! When the first homo-sepian species appeared, they had the size of 600 cm^3 then the later species had about 850 cm^3 the onwards had the size of 1100 cm^3 and the present ones have the capacity of 1350 cm^3. The reason for the increase in brain size was due to the orbits of earth. 

We mainly think that earth's orbit is oval but it is not constant, it is sometimes almost circular or somtimes elluptical and the orbit of the sun causes these weather fluctuations and therefore humans evolved from thinking hard and therefore, showed an increasement in the brain size.


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