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The Meaning Of Life

Hey everyone, it's been a long time since i have last posted but this is one of the posts that i had to share with you.    Do you ever just sit back and think that if life had been different? If you had been someone else and would have led a more prosperous and tension-free life? I have been there too and while thinking about that, i questioned myself, what is the benifit?    We all take birth, we all die and nobody gains anything out of it. If according to the people, "God" created us then can please anyone explain it to me, Why?       If he created us then he must have a purpose and i don't seem to be completing any task that he has given us. Why did he create us? What does he get out of it?     In Hindu religion it is stated that after 80 crore births as animals, plants or insects, you finally take the form of a human but for what? To study my whole life and then give up trying?     To alw...

The Illuminatis :- The Truth You Never Knew

Illuminatism has been a very trendy topic recently but trust me when I say that all of them are lies. The greatest scientists such as Newton, Gallileo, etc. were also part of it.

   During the 16th century, the church taught that the earth was the center of the universe but Nicholas Copernicus objected saying that the sun was the center. This was the truth but the church did not liked being defeated. Now what I am about to say might be true or not there are various proof on both the sides but in 16th century there was an event known as "La Purga" meaning 'the purge' in english in which the church abducted 4 scientists and then publicly executed them and also brandded them with symbols. Now if you don't know what branding means than let me tell you. Branding involves a rod with a symbol made of iron at its end. The symbol is then heated and puched onto the victim's skin causing it to form a symbol. Much like what batman used to do in 'Batman vs Superman :- Dawn of justice'.

    After this event, several scientists together fromed a group known as " The Illuminati" meaning the 'enlightened ones'. They started publishing scientific facts against the churchs' teaching. The church taught that earth is just 10,000 years old but the illuminati said that the earth was formed many millions of years before that. Therefore, what you hear about the illuminati such as they have aliens in captivity or they know how to time travel, these are all lies.


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